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I have been working on the Systemic Motivation Model project since 2013. Every opportunity helps to develop this project further. Each influence is crucial to its richness, as I strive to create a model that combines all these converging approaches. This was my initial intuition: there is a point of convergence between these theories and psychological, social, and systemic approaches.

Over time, the abundance of information overwhelmed my cognitive processing abilities. I had to enter the "synthesizing" stage. In my opinion, trying to simplify complex atomic information is the best way to consolidate knowledge by reassessing the connections and reliability of my references.

Therefore, you now have the result of this writing and synthesis work in your hands.

This is not a thesis, nor is it an exhaustive analysis. At best, it is an attempt to demonstrate the model's validity.

Moreover, the model is not fixed. It continues to evolve, complement, and improve by emerging experiences and models. It is also enriched by the feedback I receive from your personal experiences at the core of your realities.

I am not here to preach or claim any wisdom. My knowledge is limited to the time I can dedicate, and my experience is confined to the missions I have undertaken over the past twenty years.

I encourage you to maintain a critical mindset. Be vigilant and conduct your experiments to confirm the model, which sometimes requires specific adjustments. There is no universal solution, at least to my knowledge. So, let's use what we have with the utmost intelligence and open-mindedness.

This website is divided into four parts:

  1. a reflection on the meaning and purpose of work,
  2. a review of the different theories of motivation and the means to develop it,
  3. a presentation of the model and the interactions between its different components,
  4. and finally, a series of clues that should enable the implementation of a mobilization strategy.

If the theory doesn't amuse you, skip to the third part. That's your choice. But I don't think it's the best one. Understanding the role of work in employees' lives is a critical element of a mobilization approach. Ignoring this fundamental aspect runs counter to a systemic approach to corporate motivation.

The second part on motivation also provides essential information on why I built this model.

Many theories are used as flagships of a truth whose source is no longer known. But for many, their use is more a matter of habit than knowledge of their application.

The third part is the most personal to me since it deals with the fruits of my labor. As I said, this work is based on research and experiments carried out over the last fifty years by people more illustrious than myself. My only merit is to have attempted to model these numerous publications in a solid, functional form for companies and their managers.

The fourth part is shorter. It offers a few basic ideas to help you define a motivation strategy.

Motivation is a complex phenomenon that needs to be considered over time. This is also the message conveyed by the model, which stresses the many aspects that need to be considered to optimize the chances of success.

I hope you enjoy reading it. Don't forget to give your opinion and criticize where necessary. The work can't stop with publication. You are now a co-constructor member of the Systemic Motivation Model.