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The team's 6 talents

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Team Talents by MotivAtWork

The role of the team has taken on an increasingly important role in a company's operations.
Its construction and organization are key to its performance and the dynamics of its interactions.

Moreover, its essence is not simply to meet a demand but to generate solutions and propose new approaches, original points of view, and disruptive innovations.

A generative state of performance emerges
when each member of a group
is focused on a common intention,
inwardly centered, and has a sense
of being connected to the wider "field
of positive resources surrounding them.

- Robert Dilts

Just as the manager's role has adapted, the team's role has become central to value creation.
Collective intelligence is a major asset in improving work quality, quantity, and adaptability. It responds, as if by mirror effect, to the almost hegemonic evolution of computer and machine capabilities.

The team is a company's synapse, a network's node, and a system's hub.
To be efficient and stable, it must develop its own rules in accordance with its role, configuration, and position in the organization.

The six missions of the generative team


Quality management must be assigned to the team.
It is the team's responsibility to ensure that expectations and standards are respected.


A united and motivated team naturally seeks to improve its processes and production.
Creativity is just waiting to be expressed.


The spirit of a team is the link that ensures that everyone belongs, has a right to be, is different and makes an original contribution.


If given the means, a team must respond autonomously to a clearly stated objective (S.M.A.R.T.).

Knowledge (management)

A team's strength is measured in its knowledge management and knowledge sharing.

Production flow

Each team can define its own workflow best suited to its activities and the temperament of its members.
